Thursday, April 29, 2010

msiexec /a - MSI-Installer Error 2203

Discovered MSI installer error 2203 on extracting installer file with following options:
msiexec /a <product.msi> /qb TARGETDIR=%CD%
Still after searching the web I still had no solution so tried to analyse failure with log file examination:
msiexec /a <product.msi> /qb TARGETDIR=%CD% /lv %CD%\Installer.log
After reading a few lines of log the scales fell from my eyes. The source and the destination are the same and the Installer prohibit extracting into source directory directly.

msiexec /a <product.msi> /qb TARGETDIR=%CD%\Extract
solves the problem!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Consuming XML-RPC web services with C# - Part 2 - the OOP approach

At Part 1 I described a basic way to call and consume data from xml-rpc web services based on XML string operations.

This can be only the first approach. It's unhandy and not easy to maintain.

The next level for me would be to cast this into an object oriented data structure that could be easily maintained and customized for special needs.

At this post I try to show my object oriented approach to consume such services.